Buying a car

Protection against mechanical faults – A number of organisations in New Zealand offer a pre-purchase inspection for car buyers. VTNZ (Formerly Vehicle Testing New Zealand) is the largest operator with over 80 outlets throughout the country. Visit

Protection against dishonesty – Car sales companies with LMVD after the name are Licensed Motor Vehicle Dealers. These firms are bound by a code of ethics. LMVD firms must display the model name, year of manufacture, number of previous owners, warranty category and full price on any car they offer for sale. By law, they must offer buyers a warranty for a set period, although this varies with the age of the car.

To check if a dealer is licensed, Freephone: 0508 MOTORTRADERS (0508 668 678) or visit:

For advice on motor registration, car licensing, and change of ownership Contact Land Transport New Zealand. Freephone: 0800 108 809, or visit:

Car Registration and Warrants of Fitness (WOF) – ALL vehicles sold and operated in New Zealand must have a current registration and WOF which must be completed every 6 months. For more information about these, read the Road Code – available online at